tiny frights podcast #42: “The Language of Angels” by John Alex Hebert
Episode 52 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “The Language of Angels” by John Alex Hebert.
a free e-zine of horror art, poetry and microfiction
Episode 52 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “The Language of Angels” by John Alex Hebert.
Every beginning requires something to end. Episode 51 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “A New Life in Red” by Douglas Gwilym.
Self-care is important. Episode 50 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “Filling Graves” by Diane Funston.
Before you visit Wales, you might want to read up on the local fauna. Episode 49 of the tiny frights podcast features the story “Grey Mary” by Sean MacKendrick.
Episode 48 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “What the House Told Me” by Jennifer Rodrigues, from the Halloween 2023 issue of the zine.
Some places go out of their way to extend a friendly hand to new arrivals. Episode 47 of the tiny frights podcast features the story “The Welcoming Committee” by Cecilia Kennedy.
The time just before sunrise is often eerier than midnight. Episode 46 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “4:56 AM” by Julie Allyn Johnson.
Some gifts just keep on taking. Episode 45 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “Gift” by Suzanna Fitzpatrick.
Episode 44 of the tiny frights podcast features the poem “Scary Fun” by Sarah Das Gupta.
Larry Talbot’s brother Barry was VP of M&A.